Here you will find the reasons why you should register your trademark:


  • To gain the exclusive right to stop others to market identical or similar products using a brand so similar that may cause confusion.

  • If the trademark is not registered, others may use for their own products the same or a similar logotype that can cause confusion.

  • Competitors can use similar brands to take advantage on your reputation and the commercial relations you have established.

  • The previous can reduce the profits of your company or entrepreneurship and confuse your clients. Also, it could damage your reputation and image, especially if the rival products or services are of an inferior quality.

  • Additionally, if you do not register your trademark, someone else could register on their name and then file a criminal complaint against you for falsifying and imitating a previously registered trademark. If this happens you could be convicted for up to 5 years of prison.


So, what are you waiting to register your trademark?

Contact us to nd we will assist you to obtain your trademark registration certificate.