On October 17, 2022, the Executive Branch approved Law Nº 6894/2022 “The Immigration Law”, repealing completely and immediately the previous Law Nº 978/96.

1.  Highlights about the new law


• Is mandatory to firstly hold a temporary residence for 2 years before requesting the permanent residence.
• The temporary residence not only allows, but also obliges the foreign citizen to obtain a temporary ID card (cedula de identidad).
• Temporary residents can lose their temporary resident status if they are away from Paraguay for more than a year, without cause.
• Within 90 days before the expiration of the temporary residence, the foreign citizen can request the permanent residence, that will have a duration of 10 years.
• Permanent residence allows the foreign citizen to obtain the ID card (cedula de identidad) which is valid for 10 years.
• Is possible to directly apply for the permanent residence if the applicant is going to make a sizable investment in Paraguay, of at least USD 70,000 per each investor.
• The permanent resident status is cancelled if the holder is away from Paraguay for more than 3 years, without cause.

2. Requirements to apply for the temporary residence


The documents to be obtained in the applicant’s country of origin are:

a. Apostilled birth certificate;
b. Apostilled marital status certificate (marriage certificate, divorce certificate or spouse’s death certificate);
c. Apostilled criminal records (if it is a federation, it should be issued by the federal police);
d. Visa for those countries that require one.

The documents to be obtained in Paraguay are:

a. Notarized copy of the passport and of the entry into the country;
b. Visa verification certificate (when applicable);
c. Interpol certificate;
d. Police clearance certificate issued by the IT Department of the National Police;
e. Affidavit made before the National Directorate of Immigration stating compliance of the National Constitution and local laws;
f. Affidavit made before the National Directorate of Immigration stating the profession or trade, and the Paraguayan address.


3. Tax residence

The process to obtain the tax residence did not change at all. Hence, any foreign citizen with a temporary or permanent residence, and who stays in Paraguay for 120 days in a 365 days period, can obtain the tax residence certificate before the local tax authority.

What are you waiting to request the residence permit in Paraguay?

Reach us at info@romachlaw.com and we will send you all the information.